Fight again sex trafficking

Fight again sex trafficking

Blog Article

At Empire Escorts Agency, we are committed to preventing modern slavery and sex trafficking. We carry out thorough checks on every applicant to prevent exploitation and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. While incidents are rare, we remain vigilant in our efforts to safeguard against these crimes.

Defining Modern Slavery
Modern slavery involves the exploitation of individuals for profit, often through forced labor or prostitution. These crimes are often perpetrated by criminal organizations that trap their victims in a cycle of abuse.

What is Sex Trafficking?
Sex trafficking refers to coercing individuals into prostitution. Pimps often use threats or confiscate identification documents to control their victims. At Empire Escorts Agency, we have zero tolerance for such practices.

Sex Work vs. Trafficking
The difference between sex work and trafficking is consent. Sex work is voluntary and consensual, while trafficking is based on coercion. At Empire Escorts Agency, we only list individuals who willingly choose to work with us.

Our Safeguards Against Trafficking
We verify every escort’s identification to confirm their age and independence. Additionally, we meet with them in person to ensure their safety and wellbeing. While we cannot oversee every aspect of their lives, we take all reasonable measures to prevent exploitation.

How to Report Concerns
If you have concerns about someone’s safety or believe they are being coerced, contact us immediately. In urgent cases, notify the authorities as well.

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